I was an internet at whatever the hell makes Sonic X or something and one day
I found a...TAPE!!! It just had "SECRUT PATRIXXX EPUSUD" written on it in black
marker. I took it home without permission because that's what law-abiding
citizens do.
But let's cut tot he chase. When I got home, I put it into my Wii U but it
wouldn't play. SO then I tried my VCR, and it played. You know, because
before, it didn't. But it DID play. This time. Not at all like last time!
Because last time, it DIDN'T!!!!! Didn't PLAY before, I mean! But it did
this time!
It started like any other episode at Rich-ass Manor, with Sanic and friends
sitting around scratching eachother's asses hoping to find gold or even
PLATINUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Platinum is very rare, even moreso than gold!
Rouge thought that it would make her wealthy, so she began invading anuses
with her claws in an increasingly ferocious manner, until Knuckles kicked
her out. While they were outside, they got into an argument and Rouge punched
Knuckles. Blood spurted out. Blood!

Blood!! BLOOD!!!!

In a kid's
show! I PUKED because I'm such a freaking pussy!
Knuckles DIED! Umg DETH!!!! Then, it scrolled down to an underground scene
with PATRIXXX laughing EVIL-LY!!! He began meditating, and used his EVIL psychic
powers possess Knuckles' corpse, creating Knuxxx. Rouge didn't think she had
killed Knuckles and apologized, but Knuxxx tore off her head and shat down
her neck and then stuffed her head back down her kneck and rubbed it around
in the shit! I was SCARED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tails came up and asked what was going on, and then Knuxxx grabbed him and tore
him in half and pulled out his entrails and then started stomping up and down on
them and kicking them around and then he tied them to some dynamite and threw
it into the Sun! This violence was too violent, and I cried because me and my
buddy always enjoyed roleplaying about a feminized version of Tails with massive
Then Knuxxx came into the house and tried to kill SANIC, but SANIC 1-hit
killed him! However, Patrixxx then BURST OUT OF KNUXX (because screw continuity)
and they began to BATTLE with BLOOD everywhere!
Just when it looked as though Sanic had won, Patrixxx killed him with EVIL lasers!
It looked as though all was lost, but the power of Amy's love revived Sanic and blew Patrixxx away and...
...nah just kidding she died too lol.